Saturday, January 10, 2015

Weigh In (3 Weeks Old)

I know I said I was going to weigh the kits every 2 weeks but they are so gosh darn cute that I can't resist bringing them inside to play. I felt like I might as well grab a weekly weight since we are all hanging out together, right? I mean, who can resist this face:

I can't, apparently!

They have been officially evicted from the nestbox, but it seems like they have found other places to relax:

Why, yes, those are my pirate pajama pants. And they are awesome.

Anyhoo, all of the kits seem to be doing well. I've seen them nibbling on hay and pellets, though they are still driving their mammas up the wall a bit trying to nurse. This will pass on its own as the kits become less dependent. Tacoma's dynamic duo are still by far the biggest and fattest 3 week old kits I've ever put my hands on, lol. Let's do the numbers.

Sunshine's Litter-
1. 9.2 (black doe)
2. 11.3 (black doe)
3. 11.0 (blue buck)
4. 12.2 (blue doe)
5. 12.8 (black doe)

Tacoma's Litter-
1. 1lb 2.9oz (black doe)
2. 1lb 2.9oz (black buck)

Here is the doe:

 And here is the buck (check the rufus, yo!):

I'm trying to keep an open mind about everyone, but I can already see traits that I LOVE and traits that I am not thrilled about in both litters. I'm having trouble finding any 3 week weight comparisons, also. I think many people just do weights every 2 weeks and many don't start until 4 or 6 weeks that I've been able to find. The smallest kit is still by far the smallest and is still about half the size of the largest kits. Everyone else in Sunshine's litter are closer in weights to one another. I'm still wondering if everyone is going to level out more once they are eating more solid food, but time will tell. It is still quite chilly here and I've been providing extra grass hay for the gang to burrow into. I know it is still nothing like the folks out west are experiencing, particularly with the high winds. Stay warm and cozy everyone!


  1. Ahhh! They are too cute! So funny about the two porkers!

  2. Thank you! My husband wants to keep the big porker (haha) doe and name here Pancake because she flattens out into a pile of chubby fluff when he is petting her. :P
