Sunday, January 4, 2015

Weigh Day (2 Weeks)

As some of the traits I am looking for in my Harlequins are growth/feed conversion, I am weighing the two litters in 14 day intervals so I can get an idea of how they are doing. I haven't been able to find many charts of kit weight at this age and in part I think it is because nursing is such an enormous variable. If the doe hops out too quickly, someone may miss a meal and that can play a big role at this age. A couple of the kits may just be pushy and greedy and keep the ones that were smaller from birth from getting a good fill at times. The kits may have been in one corner when the doe hopped in and someone may have been blocked.

That said, it could be just that the smallest kits at birth are still the smallest kits now. Or that some of the kits aren't as robust overall. I also used this time to make sure everyone's eyes were open and clear, their teeth were perfect, and did a preliminary gender check. Here is their data in ounces.

Sunshine's Litter-
1. 6.5 (probable doe)
2. 7.3 (probable doe)
3. 7.7 (probable buck)
4. 9.2 (probable doe)
5. 9.7 (probable doe)

Tacoma's Litter-
1. 11.7 (probable doe)
2. 11.9 (probable buck)

Isn't it amazing that the smallest kit in Sunshine's litter is almost HALF the size of the largest in Tacoma's? I was only able to find a few other 2 week old weights taken by other breeders. Here are two examples:

Silver Fox Litter:

Cal/NZ cross

So it seems like Sunshine's litter is right on track and Tacoma's litter is quite large- but I am sure this is just because she only had a litter of two. Either way, it is interesting to see the actual data this time around. I can't wait to see how they grow! I am planning another weigh-in at 4 weeks, but I'm sure I'll take pictures beforehand at some point. It has been raining here for days and days or I already would have- where did the winter bluebird days go anyway?


  1. Wow - Tacoma's babies are such chunks! It would be interesting to find out if smaller litters would produce as much meat as a larger litter, because they aren't competing so much. I have heard of some meat breeders culling their litters to the 4 biggest kits.

    1. Wow, really? I had no idea that was a thing! I am hoping that pellets/hay will help the little ones catch up more to the hippos. It is obvious there is a significant size difference even without the scale. I'll try to take a picture of the biggest and smallest side by side for comparison's sake.

  2. I'll try and do this too when my Cal/Silver Fox cross babies get here. They are due to "hatch" tomorrow so we shall see. No nesting activity as yet, so maybe she didn't even take.....

  3. Hopefully she is just one of those that makes a nest right before she kindles. Fingers crossed she did take and I'd love to compare notes with our litters. It would be so interesting to see differences/similarities. :)

    1. Well she's pulled fur so fingers crossed!

    2. Oh, I'm sure she took then- yay! Hopefully it isn't freezing where you are. I know a lot of places are way below normal temps this week.
