Saturday, April 25, 2015

Mini Update

Everything is coming right along here at home. I'm still healing of course, so my husband has been taking care of all of the critters and property. I am so fortunate to have married such a caring and helpful man. The rabbits are all doing fine, too. The kits have grown a lot and are in that adorable stage where I want to kiss their little faces off. We still have quite a few culls to process, but that is on hold until we can work together again. The garden needs weeding badly for the same reason, but it is almost time to start harvesting lettuce, spinach, radishes and greens. The blueberries and raspberries will be going to fruit shortly, but right now the bumblebees are everywhere happily buzzing around and I'm content to sit in my little chair and watch them work. :)


  1. So good to hear you are mending! And a good man is priceless to be sure!

  2. Happy things are going well for you! I HATE it when I am down and out and can't do stuff. I'm not very patient. :)
