Thursday, March 26, 2015


My does are supposed to be due over the next day or two, but so far only one of five is showing any signs of being preggos. Hopefully this lonely single digit increases. Otherwise, it's going to be a kind of a small selection before we are done with litters until the autumn breezes roll in. I am thankful for the keepers we've been able to reserve from the handful of kits we've had, but realistically, our Harlie genetics are going to be weakened if we don't get anything else. Fingers crossed!

In case you haven't noticed from my infrequent posts the past few weeks, this is one of the busy times of the year for us. We have been working on the garden and trying to get ready to potentially move, so trying to get rid of all non-essential things. The local charities and Goodwill have been getting carloads and there is still more. I don't think we are very materialistic, but wow we have a lot of stuff!

Hopefully my next update will be with good rabbit news, but either way I hope to have some pictures of what is happening around here at the Hearth! :)


  1. We've moved around....A LOT! And it's so freeing to give stuff away! I don't feel that we are materialistic either, but it is amazing what you can amass. Now we try to go through at least a couple times a year and give the non essentials to Goodwill (which is where I buy almost all of my clothes by the by)! Good luck with your litters, here's hoping for lots of healthy kits!

    1. Thank you! Still no kits, but hoping for something still from one of the mammas. We are hoping to keep things more simple around here from this point forward. Just finished clearing out a bunch of kitchen stuff and are trying to get back to mostly cast iron and glass. I like Goodwill stuff, too! :)

  2. Ahhh... moving. We'll hopefully be doing that soon, too. My husband is a bit of a hoarder, so I am going to be on the Goodwill warpath soon. :)

    Fingers crossed for lots of healthy babies!

    1. Haha, my husband says that I'M the hoarder! We are totally on the warpath as a team though and a lot of stuff is leaving that isn't coming back. Thank you for the well wishes! No kits yet, but hopefully.
