Saturday, March 28, 2015

Spring Seedlings

Just thought I'd share a few pics of the heirloom seedlings we have popping up. We have sowed a variety, but mostly radishes, carrots, lettuce, spinach, onions, snow peas, and other cool weather crops:

Our other green Spring flora is popping as well. I hope you like rasperries, because we have plenty around here as the canes come back to life:

And/or blueberries as well. This is what their flowers look like before they turn to fruit:

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend! If you can't tell, I'm itching to put some fruit and veggies on the table. :)


  1. I love blueberries! lol I would love to have more bushes, right now we only have one lonely blueberry bush!

    1. Awww! You might be able to find more blueberries at a local nursery. We found our (rabbiteye variety) at a mom and pop nursery and they were flying off the shelf like hotcakes. :)

  2. Exciting stuff! Our raspberry patch looks great this year, too - thanks to the buns, of course :) .

    1. Yay! I love raspberries. I used to grow a few varieties of strawberries as well, but the local wildlife decimated them so we are just buying organic locally this year. Hoping to barter for them in the future. :)
