Saturday, March 21, 2015

Even MOAR Spring Pics!

So much is budding, blooming, and growing outside that I just feel compelled to try to capture and share the natural beauty. I know I haven't barely talked about rabbits this week and I'll get back to it soon (short version: everything's good!), but Spring just won't wait. So here we go, starting with Violets that planted themselves. They are probably an invasive weed if I had to guess- but man they have some pretty blooms:

No roses yet, but here are some of the thorns from my big climbing roses. Don't they look a bit like shark teeth? I snip the tip off the end when I am clipping them back mostly so I don't lose an eye when I am bundling them up, but the rabbits eat them with the rest of the thorn intact.

There is no missing Forsythia with their in-your-face yellow flower explosions. These were a gift from Arbor Day with my tree order a few years ago and now they are taller than me:

And of course I have to post more cherry blossoms as they open:

 And then there is the grass, just as magnificent as anything I've ever seen. The dew drops add an ethereal quality to the leaves in the early morning:

In other news, I went to the Conyers rabbit show today for a little while. It was fun! More to come about that and hope your Spring is just as lovely as ours!


  1. I'm enjoying your Spring pictures very much! It reminds me that we are only a couple weeks away ourselves! Can't wait to hear about the show!

    1. Thank you! As a fellow flower lady, I can't wait for you to get all of your blooms back! :)

  2. Your pictures are so gorgeous! Especially those cherry blossoms. :)

    I'll have to check today if the forsythia at our new place is blooming. We've not been over there in a week.

    Spring is so awesome!! :)

    One of these days I'm going to make it to a rabbit show. It would probably be best enjoyed without a running, squealing, climbing toddler, though.
