Thursday, November 20, 2014

Random Winter Stuff

I started supplementing the herd with black oil sunflower seeds (BOSS) today. Last year I stopped feeding Purina as it was over $20 per bag at the time and started with Southern States, which is local and less expensive. It looks and smells fine, though it isn't as green as what I was used to. I still feed random hay (whatever is available locally) as well. Everyone's been doing well except that I've noticed their fur/condition isn't as nice this year as compared to last. BOSS is notorious as a "hot feed" that can help with this issue and a lot of exhibitors feed it as a supplement. Think glossy coats. Word from the previous generations of rabbit breeders is that an excess of BOSS can make bucks and does fat and lazy, though. I just put a small handful (probably 6-12 seeds) per rabbit and we will see how it goes.

In other news, I'm trying to get some does bred today. This morning, Apollo was interested and Spock was not. After it warmed up some, both of the bucks were willing, but they were unsuccessful with Tacoma, Sunshine, and Valkyrie. I'm giving them a break under the assumption they are out of shape after two years off from this endeavor and will try again later today or tomorrow. I'm hoping to have them breed four does between them so I can see if I even get 1-2 litters. I'd be ecstatic with four though- think of how particular I could be when choosing the next generation!


  1. Hah, it's been a bit challenging! Apollo and Spock got their mojo back, but I didn't see the boys have any luck with Tacoma, Sunshine, or Hikari. I gave them all the night off and they can try again today. Apollo and Valkyrie were successful several times yesterday, so that's something at least. Since all of these does haven't had a litter in at least 2 years if ever, it will be interesting to see if any kits arrive or if it is just an exercise in futility! :)
