Friday, November 13, 2015

Still Here!

I took an unexpected break from the computer, but we're all still here and kicking!

The long and short of it is that we thought we were moving to Nebraska and had less than 3 months to get across the country into a new house. Then plans changed again and now we are staying in Georgia, but still listing our house for sale and moving to a different part, so things have remained very hectic. I feel like my life is made up of moving boxes and clearing out unnecessary stuff from the house. We are actively looking for a homestead or small farmstead to rent while we look for the perfect land to buy. We are also hoping to start our own family. :)

Of course the animals will be coming with us, though I am reducing the herd to only my very best keepers. We are trying to decide how we will be housing the rabbits on a new property, but it will not be in stackers so the excess caging will have to go once we figure it out. We are leaning towards colony-style housing for grow-outs and then extra large suspended cages with worm beds underneath for kindling does/kits and bucks so we have worm castings and compost for the garden still. They can have pasture time separately so we know exactly what they are up to and keep tabs on breeding, but still get fresh air and exercise.

We are also planning to add chickens once we get moved. Our goal in the next few years is to become as self-sustaining as possible. That means expanding the garden, growing feed for the animals, and eventually getting into dairy and other such ventures as well.

Anyway, HI! I'm still here and I'll try to make a point to be on the computer more these days as winter rapidly approaches. Hope everyone is doing well and having a nice autumn!


  1. It sounds like you've been very busy, but I'm happy to hear you'll be staying in Georgia. We can use more dedicated Harlequin people! :) Renting a farm and expanding your homestead is wonderful news.

    I think that you will really enjoy having a colony set up. I love watching my rabbits play and interact with each other. I often get distracted because I can see the pen from my office window so I'll find myself staring outside and not getting anything productive accomplished. LOL

    1. Thanks April! I'd love to hear anything you've learned so far about the colony at any point. We were just talking this morning about the long-term housing for our rabbits. <3

  2. Yay! An update! And exciting news all around. I, for one, am happy you are still only one state line away. :) What part of GA are you hoping to move to?

    1. Thank you! Nebraska would have had a lot of pros and cons, but ultimately we are happy to be staying in Georgia now, too. We are looking north and northwest of Atlanta within reasonable driving distance to the city, so basically the foothills of the mountains if we can find a place.

    2. Northern GA is very beautiful, especially NE. Good luck with your search! I know it's both exciting and frustrating.
